Module tetrislang.engine
Expand source code
import random
import sys
import os
os.environ['PYGAME_HIDE_SUPPORT_PROMPT'] = "hide"
import pygame
directory = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'assets')
# print(directory)
crash_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(os.path.join(directory, 'gameover.wav'))
clear_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(os.path.join(directory, 'clear.wav'))
key_press = pygame.mixer.Sound(os.path.join(directory, 'key_press.wav'))
image = pygame.image.load(os.path.join(directory, 'Blockbusters.png'))
__pdoc__ = {}
__pdoc__['Piece'] = False
# class to represent each of the pieces
class Piece(object):
def __init__(self, x, y, shape, shape_colors, shapes):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.shape = shape
self.color = shape_colors[shapes.index(shape)] # choose color from the shape_color list
self.rotation = 0 # chooses the rotation according to index
class TetrisEngine(object):
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.s_width'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.s_height'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.col'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.row'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.block_size'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.play_width'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.play_height'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.top_left_x'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.top_left_y'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.filepath'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.fontpath'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.fontpath_mario'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.viz_next_piece'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.viz_high_score'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.clock'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.fall_time'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.fall_speed'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.level_time'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.level'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.level_speeds'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.increase_difficulty'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.show_shadow'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.hard_drop'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.game_heading'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.quit_text'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.resume_text'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.restart_text'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.gameover_text'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.nextshape_text'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.level1_text'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.level2_text'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.level3_text'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.start_text'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.game_heading_color'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.gameover_color'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.general_button_color'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.click_color'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.playbndry_color'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.grid_color'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.S'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.Z'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.I'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.O'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.J'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.L'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.T'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.shapes'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.shape_colors'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.Dict'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.arrow'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.create_grid'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.convert_shape_format'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.valid_space'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.get_shape'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.draw_text_middle'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.draw_grid'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.draw_next_shape'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.draw_window'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.get_max_score'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.get_hard_position'] = False
__pdoc__['TetrisEngine.get_ghost_position'] = False
s_width = 800 # window width
s_height = 750 # window height
col = 10
row = 20
block_size = 30 # size of block
play_width = col*block_size # play window width
play_height = row*block_size # play window height
top_left_x = (s_width - play_width) // 2
top_left_y = s_height - play_height
filepath = os.path.join(directory, 'highscore.txt')
fontpath = os.path.join(directory, 'arcade.ttf')
fontpath_mario = os.path.join(directory, 'russian-tetris.ttf')
arrow = os.path.join(directory, 'arrows.ttf')
viz_next_piece = True
viz_high_score = True
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
fall_time = 0
fall_speed = 0.35
level_time = 0
level = 0
level_speeds = [0.35, 0.25, 0.15]
increase_difficulty = True
show_shadow = True
hard_drop = True
game_heading = 'T E T R I S'
quit_text = 'QUIT'
resume_text = 'RESUME'
restart_text = 'RESTART'
gameover_text = 'GAMEOVER'
nextshape_text = 'NEXT SHAPE'
level1_text = 'LEVEL 1'
level2_text = 'LEVEL 2'
level3_text = 'LEVEL 3'
start_text = 'START'
game_heading_color = (230,230,0)
gameover_color = (255, 200, 230)
general_button_color = (255,255,255)
click_color = (255,255,0)
playbndry_color = (255,255,255)
grid_color = 120
S = [['.....',
Z = [['.....',
I = [['.....',
O = [['.....',
J = [['.....',
L = [['.....',
T = [['.....',
shapes = [S, Z, I, O, J, L, T]
shape_colors = [(0, 255, 0), (255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 255), (255, 255, 0), (255, 165, 0), (0, 0, 255), (128, 0, 128)]
Dict = {'S': 0, 'Z': 1, 'I': 2, 'O': 3, 'J': 4, 'L': 5, 'T': 6}
def __init__(self):
self.window = pygame.display.set_mode((self.s_width, self.s_height))
self.max_score = self.get_max_score()
def create_grid(self):
grid = [[(0, 0, 0) for x in range(self.col)] for y in range(self.row)] # grid represented rgb tuples
# locked_positions dictionary
# (x,y):(r,g,b)
for y in range(self.row):
for x in range(self.col):
if (x, y) in self.locked_positions:
color = self.locked_positions[
(x, y)] # get the value color (r,g,b) from the locked_positions dictionary using key (x,y)
grid[y][x] = color # set grid position to color
return grid
def convert_shape_format(self, piece):
positions = []
shape_format = piece.shape[piece.rotation % len(piece.shape)] # get the desired rotated shape from piece
# e.g.
# ['.....',
# '.....',
# '..00.',
# '.00..',
# '.....']
for i, line in enumerate(shape_format): # i gives index; line gives string
row = list(line) # makes a list of char from string
for j, column in enumerate(row): # j gives index of char; column gives char
if column == '0':
positions.append((piece.x + j, piece.y + i))
for i, pos in enumerate(positions):
positions[i] = (pos[0] - 2, pos[1] - 4) # offset according to the input given with dot and zero
return positions
def valid_space(self, piece):
# makes a 2D list of all the possible (x,y)
accepted_pos = [[(x, y) for x in range(self.col) if self.grid[y][x] == (0, 0, 0)] for y in range(self.row)]
# removes sub lists and puts (x,y) in one list; easier to search
accepted_pos = [x for item in accepted_pos for x in item]
formatted_shape = self.convert_shape_format(piece)
for pos in formatted_shape:
if pos not in accepted_pos:
if pos[1] >= 0:
return False
return True
def get_shape(self):
return Piece(int(self.col/2), 0, random.choice(self.shapes), self.shape_colors, self.shapes)
def draw_text_middle(self,text,surface, c, y):
font = pygame.font.Font(self.fontpath, 50)
label = font.render(text, 1, c)
surface.blit(label, ((self.s_width - label.get_width())//2, y))
return (self.s_width - label.get_width())//2
def draw_grid(self, surface):
r = g = b = self.grid_color
grid_color = (r, g, b)
for i in range(self.row):
# draw grey horizontal lines
pygame.draw.line(surface, grid_color, (self.top_left_x, self.top_left_y + i * self.block_size),
(self.top_left_x + self.play_width, self.top_left_y + i * self.block_size))
for j in range(self.col):
# draw grey vertical lines
pygame.draw.line(surface, grid_color, (self.top_left_x + j * self.block_size, self.top_left_y),
(self.top_left_x + j * self.block_size, self.top_left_y + self.play_height))
def draw_next_shape(self, piece, surface):
font = pygame.font.Font(self.fontpath, 30)
label = font.render(self.nextshape_text, 1, self.general_button_color)
start_x = 600
start_y = 300
shape_format = piece.shape[piece.rotation % len(piece.shape)]
for i, line in enumerate(shape_format):
row = list(line)
for j, column in enumerate(row):
if column == '0':
pygame.draw.rect(surface, piece.color, (start_x + j*self.block_size, start_y + i*self.block_size, self.block_size, self.block_size), 0)
surface.blit(label, (start_x, start_y - 30))
def draw_window(self, surface, grid, score=0):
surface.fill((0, 0, 0)) # fill the surface with black
font = pygame.font.Font(self.fontpath, 30)
font2 = pygame.font.Font(self.arrow, 20)
label1 = font.render("CONTROLS", 1, (255,255,255))
label3 = font.render("RIGHT LEFT ROTATE DOWN HARD DROP", 1, (255,255,255))
label2 = font2.render("e a c g ", 1, (255,255,255))
label4 = font.render("d",1,(255,255,255))
surface.blit(label1, ((self.s_width - label1.get_width())//2, 10))
surface.blit(label2, ((self.s_width - label2.get_width())//2, 90))
surface.blit(label3, ((self.s_width - label3.get_width())//2, 50))
surface.blit(label4, (580, 90))
# current score
font = pygame.font.Font(self.fontpath, 30)
label = font.render('SCORE ' + str(score) , 1, self.general_button_color)
start_x = 600
start_y = 500
surface.blit(label, (start_x, start_y))
if self.viz_high_score:
# last score
label_hi = font.render('HIGHSCORE ' + str(self.max_score), 1, self.general_button_color)
start_x_hi = 30
start_y_hi = 500
surface.blit(label_hi, (start_x_hi, start_y_hi))
# draw content of the grid
for i in range(self.row):
for j in range(self.col):
# pygame.draw.rect()
# draw a rectangle shape
# rect(Surface, color, Rect, width=0) -> Rect
pygame.draw.rect(surface, grid[i][j],
(self.top_left_x + j * self.block_size, self.top_left_y + i * self.block_size, self.block_size, self.block_size), 0)
# draw vertical and horizontal grid lines
# draw rectangular border around play area
border_color = self.playbndry_color
pygame.draw.rect(surface, border_color, (self.top_left_x, self.top_left_y, self.play_width, self.play_height), 4)
def get_max_score(self):
with open(self.filepath, 'r') as file:
lines = file.readlines() # reads all the lines and puts in a list
score = int(lines[0].strip()) # remove \n
return score
def get_hard_position(self):
self.current_piece.y += 1
self.current_piece.y -= 1
def get_ghost_position(self):
self.ghost_piece.y += 1
self.ghost_piece.y -= 1
def check_lost(self):
Check if game is lost or not based on the losing condition, default losing condition is that the piece is out of grid bounds
bool : True if game is lost, False if game is not yet lost
for pos in self.locked_positions:
x, y = pos
if y < 1:
return True
return False
def update_highscore(self, new_score):
Update high score if required
new_score (int): New highscore
score = self.get_max_score()
with open(self.filepath, 'w') as file:
if new_score > score:
self.max_score = new_score
def clear_rows(self):
Clear rows if required. Also update score and locked positions based on that
# need to check if row is clear then shift every other row above down one
increment = 0
for i in range(len(self.grid) - 1, -1, -1): # start checking the grid backwards
grid_row = self.grid[i] # get the last row
if (0, 0, 0) not in grid_row: # if there are no empty spaces (i.e. black blocks)
increment += 1
# add positions to remove from locked
index = i # row index will be constant
for j in range(len(grid_row)):
del self.locked_positions[(j, i)] # delete every locked element in the bottom row
except ValueError:
# shift every row one step down
# delete filled bottom row
# add another empty row on the top
# move down one step
if increment > 0:
# sort the locked list according to y value in (x,y) and then reverse
# reversed because otherwise the ones on the top will overwrite the lower ones
for key in sorted(list(self.locked_positions), key=lambda a: a[1])[::-1]:
x, y = key
if y < index: # if the y value is above the removed index
new_key = (x, y + increment) # shift position to down
self.locked_positions[new_key] = self.locked_positions.pop(key)
return increment
def init_grid(self):
Initialize the game grid
self.locked_positions = {}
self.grid = self.create_grid()
def init_blocks(self):
Initialize the current block/piece, next piece and boolean variable to bring in next piece when required
self.current_piece = self.get_shape()
self.change_piece = False
self.next_piece = self.get_shape()
self.ghost_piece = self.get_shape()
def init_clock(self):
Initialize the game clock
self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()
self.fall_time = 0
self.fall_speed = self.level_speeds[self.level]
self.level_time = 0
def update_locked_grid(self):
Update the grid based on locked positions for display
self.grid = self.create_grid()
def draw_current_grid(self):
Draw the grid at the current moment in time
self.piece_pos = self.convert_shape_format(self.current_piece)
self.ghost_piece.x = self.current_piece.x
self.ghost_piece.y = self.current_piece.y
self.ghost_piece.shape = self.current_piece.shape
self.ghost_piece.rotation = self.current_piece.rotation
self.ghost_piece.color = (40,40,40)
self.ghost_pos = self.convert_shape_format(self.ghost_piece)
if self.show_shadow:
# draw the ghost piece on the grid by giving color in the piece locations
for i in range(len(self.ghost_pos)):
x, y = self.ghost_pos[i]
if y >= 0:
self.grid[y][x] = self.ghost_piece.color
# draw the piece on the grid by giving color in the piece locations
for i in range(len(self.piece_pos)):
x, y = self.piece_pos[i]
if y >= 0:
self.grid[y][x] = self.current_piece.color
def update_clock(self):
Update the game clock
# helps run the same on every computer
# add time since last tick() to fall_time
self.fall_time += self.clock.get_rawtime() # returns in milliseconds
self.level_time += self.clock.get_rawtime()
self.clock.tick() # updates clock
if self.increase_difficulty:
if self.level_time/1000 > 5: # make the difficulty harder every 10 seconds
self.level_time = 0
if self.fall_speed > 0.15: # until fall speed is 0.15
self.fall_speed -= 0.005
def shift_piece(self):
Shift the piece down by gravity effect (no player input) if it has space
if self.fall_time / 1000 > self.fall_speed:
self.fall_time = 0
self.current_piece.y += 1
if not self.valid_space(self.current_piece) and self.current_piece.y > 0:
self.current_piece.y -= 1
# since only checking for down - either reached bottom or hit another piece
# need to lock the piece position
# need to generate new piece
self.change_piece = True
def take_user_input(self):
Take user inputs while game is being played. Piece movement - left, right, up(clockwise rotation), down. Escape key to pause game
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
self.current_piece.x -= 1 # move x position left
if not self.valid_space(self.current_piece):
self.current_piece.x += 1
return False
elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
self.current_piece.x += 1 # move x position right
if not self.valid_space(self.current_piece):
self.current_piece.x -= 1
return False
elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
# move shape down
self.current_piece.y += 1
if not self.valid_space(self.current_piece):
self.current_piece.y -= 1
return False
elif event.key == pygame.K_UP:
# rotate shape
self.current_piece.rotation = self.current_piece.rotation + 1 % len(self.current_piece.shape)
if not self.valid_space(self.current_piece):
self.current_piece.rotation = self.current_piece.rotation - 1 % len(self.current_piece.shape)
return False
elif event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
return True
elif self.hard_drop and event.key == pygame.K_d:
return False
def current_piece_locked(self):
Return if it is time to change piece or not - based on if gravity effect has stopped working or not
bool: True or False
return self.change_piece
def spawn(self):
After a piece is locked, it updates the locked positions - the positions with stationery piece colors at the bottom, and it changes the piece in motion.
for pos in self.piece_pos:
p = (pos[0], pos[1])
self.locked_positions[p] = self.current_piece.color # add the key and value in the dictionary
self.current_piece = self.next_piece
self.next_piece = self.get_shape()
self.change_piece = False
def update_window(self, score):
Update the rest of the window except playing grid - Display score and next shape.
score (int): Current score
self.draw_window(self.window, self.grid, score)
if self.viz_next_piece:
self.draw_next_shape(self.next_piece, self.window)
def paused(self):
Pause the game play and display necessary options
bool: False return corresponds to player choosing to resume game, True return corresponds to player choosing to restart game. No return occurs when player chooses to quit game
self.window.blit(image, (150, 600))
xresu = self.draw_text_middle(self.resume_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 230)
xres = self.draw_text_middle(self.restart_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 300)
xquit = self.draw_text_middle(self.quit_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 370)
run = True
while run:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
#checks if a mouse is clicked
mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
if xresu < mouse[0] < self.s_width - xresu and 230 < mouse[1] < 280:
self.draw_text_middle(self.resume_text, self.window, self.click_color, 230)
return False
elif xquit < mouse[0] < self.s_width - xquit and 370 < mouse[1] < 420:
self.draw_text_middle(self.quit_text, self.window, self.click_color, 370)
elif xres < mouse[0] < self.s_width - xres and 300 < mouse[1] < 350:
self.draw_text_middle(self.restart_text, self.window, self.click_color, 300)
return True
def game_over(self):
Display the game over screen with gameover message and buttons to restart game or quit game.
bool: True if player decides to restart game. Nothing if player decides to quit game
self.window.blit(image, (150, 600))
font = pygame.font.Font(self.fontpath_mario, 70, bold=True)
label = font.render(self.gameover_text, 1, self.gameover_color)
self.window.blit(label, ((self.s_width - label.get_width())//2, 200))
xres = self.draw_text_middle(self.restart_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 300)
xquit = self.draw_text_middle(self.quit_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 370)
rrun = True
while rrun:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
if xquit < mouse[0] < self.s_width - xquit and 370 < mouse[1] < 420:
self.draw_text_middle(self.quit_text, self.window, self.click_color, 370)
elif xres < mouse[0] < self.s_width - xres and 300 < mouse[1] < 350:
self.draw_text_middle(self.restart_text, self.window, self.click_color, 300)
return True
def main_menu(self):
The main menu screen. It displays the game heading, levels button, start button and quit button. Based on the button clicked, the game settings get updated.
self.window.blit(image, (150, 600))
font = pygame.font.Font(self.fontpath_mario, 70, bold=True)
label = font.render(self.game_heading, 1, self.game_heading_color) # initialise 'Tetris' text with white
self.window.blit(label, ((self.s_width - label.get_width())//2, 20))
l1 = self.draw_text_middle(self.level1_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 100)
l2 = self.draw_text_middle(self.level2_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 170)
l3 = self.draw_text_middle(self.level3_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 240)
start = self.draw_text_middle(self.start_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 310)
xquit = self.draw_text_middle(self.quit_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 380)
run = True
level = -1
while run:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
#checks if a mouse is clicked
mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
if l1 < mouse[0] < self.s_width - l1 and 100 < mouse[1] < 150:
self.draw_text_middle(self.level1_text, self.window, self.click_color, 100)
self.draw_text_middle(self.level2_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 170)
self.draw_text_middle(self.level3_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 240)
level = 0
elif l2 < mouse[0] < self.s_width - l2 and 170 < mouse[1] < 220:
self.draw_text_middle(self.level1_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 100)
self.draw_text_middle(self.level2_text, self.window, self.click_color, 170)
self.draw_text_middle(self.level3_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 240)
level = 1
elif l3 < mouse[0] < self.s_width - l3 and 240 < mouse[1] < 290:
self.draw_text_middle(self.level1_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 100)
self.draw_text_middle(self.level2_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 170)
self.draw_text_middle(self.level3_text, self.window, self.click_color, 240)
level = 2
elif start < mouse[0] < self.s_width - start and 310 < mouse[1] < 360 and level != -1:
self.draw_text_middle(self.start_text, self.window, self.click_color, 310)
run = False
return level
elif xquit < mouse[0] < self.s_width - xquit and 380 < mouse[1] < 430:
self.draw_text_middle(self.quit_text, self.window, self.click_color, 380)
def initialize_window(self, row, col):
Initializes the game window. Screen width - s_width(800) and screen height - s_height(750) are fixed.
row (int): Number of rows in playing grid
col (int): Number of columns in playing grid
self.row = row
self.col = col
self.play_width = self.col * self.block_size
self.play_height = self.row * self.block_size
self.top_left_x = (self.s_width - self.play_width) // 2
self.top_left_y = self.s_height - self.play_height - 50
def create_block(self, temp_block):
Creates a custom block(tetriminoe) for the programmer.
temp_block (List): List of length 3 - Rotation configurations, color of block, identifier string
temp_block[0] (List): The different 2D rotation configurations of the block as string lists
temp_block[0][i] (List): List containing strings of fixed length that give the ith 2D orientation of block
temp_block[1] (List): R G B values of block denoting its color
temp_block[2] (string): Identifier string of the block
self.Dict[temp_block[2]] = len(self.shape_colors)
def show_next_piece(self, val):
Enable or disable showing next block to player
val (bool): True or False
self.viz_next_piece = val
def show_highscore(self, val):
Enable or disable showing next highscore to player
val (bool): True or False
self.viz_high_score = val
def increase_fall_speed(self, val):
Enable or disable increasing fall speed as game progresses or in other words increasing difficulty as game progresses
val (bool): True or False
self.increase_difficulty = val
def set_window_caption(self, val):
Set the game caption shown in the game window
val (string): Game window caption
def set_level(self, val):
Set the game level - from 3 difficulty levels
val (int): Difficulty level 1 or 2 or 3
self.level = val
def set_level_fallspeed(self, speed_list):
Set the fall speeds for the 3 difficulty levels
speed_list (list): speed of difficulty level 1,2 and 3
self.level_speeds = speed_list
def enable_shadow(self, val):
Enable ghost mode i.e. expected locked position of current piece is displayed
val (int): Bool value True or False
self.show_shadow = val
def enable_hard_drop(self, val):
Enable hard drop i.e. on pressing the 'd' key, the block falls down
val (int): Bool value True or False
self.hard_drop= val
def design_button_text(self, game_heading, quit_text, resume_text, restart_text, gameover_text, level1_text, level2_text, level3_text, start_text):
Customize the text displayed over buttons or over gameover and game heading text
game_heading (string): Game heading text
quit_text (string): Quit button text
resume_text (string): Resume button text
restart_text (string): Restart button text
gameover_text (string): Gameover message text
level1_text (string): Level 1 button text
level2_text (string): Level 2 button text
level3_text (string): Level 3 button text
start_text (string): Start button text
self.game_heading = game_heading
self.quit_text = quit_text
self.resume_text = resume_text
self.restart_text = restart_text
self.gameover_text = gameover_text
self.level1_text = level1_text
self.level2_text = level2_text
self.level3_text = level3_text
self.start_text = start_text
def design_button_color(self, game_heading_color, gameover_color, general_button_color, click_color):
Customize the text color over buttons, button clicks, gameover text and game heading text
game_heading_color (tuple): R G B values denoting game heading color
gameover_color (tuple): R G B values denoting gameover message color
general_button_color (tuple): R G B values denoting button color prior to click
click_color (tuple): R G B values denoting button color post clicking
self.game_heading_color = game_heading_color
self.gameover_color = gameover_color
self.general_button_color = general_button_color
self.click_color = click_color
def design_play(self, playbndry_color, grid_color):
Customize the play boundary color and play grid color
playbndry_color (tuple): R G B values denoting play boundary color
grid_color (tuple): R G B values denoting play grid color
self.playbndry_color = playbndry_color
self.grid_color = grid_color
def design_block_color(self, block, color):
Alter the color for the given block.
block (string): String identifier of block
color (tuple): R G B values of block denoting its color
self.shape_colors[self.Dict[block]] = color
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = TetrisEngine()
root.initialize_window(18, 10)
# i = [['.....',
# '.....',
# '..0..',
# '..0..',
# '.....'],
# ['.....',
# '..00.',
# '.....',
# '.....',
# '.....']]
# x = [['.....',
# '..0..',
# '.000.',
# '..0..',
# '.....']]
# temp_block = [i,[128,165,0],'i']
# temp_block2 = [x,[255,255,0],'x']
# root.create_block(temp_block)
# root.create_block(temp_block2)
# root.design_block_color('i', (255,255,255))
# root.show_next_piece(True)
# root.show_highscore(True)
# root.increase_fall_speed(True)
# root.set_window_caption('Tetris by blockbusters')
# root.set_level(1)
play_again = True
while play_again:
level = root.main_menu()
run = True
restart = False
score = 0
while run:
if root.take_user_input():
restart = root.paused()
if restart:
if root.current_piece_locked():
if root.check_lost():
run = False
if restart:
play_again = root.game_over()
class TetrisEngine
Expand source code
class TetrisEngine(object): ################################################# # DOCUMENTATION CONTROL ## CLASS VARIABLES __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.s_width'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.s_height'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.col'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.row'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.block_size'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.play_width'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.play_height'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.top_left_x'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.top_left_y'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.filepath'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.fontpath'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.fontpath_mario'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.viz_next_piece'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.viz_high_score'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.clock'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.fall_time'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.fall_speed'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.level_time'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.level'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.level_speeds'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.increase_difficulty'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.show_shadow'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.hard_drop'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.game_heading'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.quit_text'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.resume_text'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.restart_text'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.gameover_text'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.nextshape_text'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.level1_text'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.level2_text'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.level3_text'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.start_text'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.game_heading_color'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.gameover_color'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.general_button_color'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.click_color'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.playbndry_color'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.grid_color'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.S'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.Z'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.I'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.O'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.J'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.L'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.T'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.shapes'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.shape_colors'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.Dict'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.arrow'] = False ## CLASS FUNCTIONS __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.create_grid'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.convert_shape_format'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.valid_space'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.get_shape'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.draw_text_middle'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.draw_grid'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.draw_next_shape'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.draw_window'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.get_max_score'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.get_hard_position'] = False __pdoc__['TetrisEngine.get_ghost_position'] = False ###################################################### # GAME VARIABLES s_width = 800 # window width s_height = 750 # window height col = 10 row = 20 block_size = 30 # size of block play_width = col*block_size # play window width play_height = row*block_size # play window height top_left_x = (s_width - play_width) // 2 top_left_y = s_height - play_height filepath = os.path.join(directory, 'highscore.txt') fontpath = os.path.join(directory, 'arcade.ttf') fontpath_mario = os.path.join(directory, 'russian-tetris.ttf') arrow = os.path.join(directory, 'arrows.ttf') viz_next_piece = True viz_high_score = True clock = pygame.time.Clock() fall_time = 0 fall_speed = 0.35 level_time = 0 level = 0 level_speeds = [0.35, 0.25, 0.15] increase_difficulty = True show_shadow = True hard_drop = True game_heading = 'T E T R I S' quit_text = 'QUIT' resume_text = 'RESUME' restart_text = 'RESTART' gameover_text = 'GAMEOVER' nextshape_text = 'NEXT SHAPE' level1_text = 'LEVEL 1' level2_text = 'LEVEL 2' level3_text = 'LEVEL 3' start_text = 'START' game_heading_color = (230,230,0) gameover_color = (255, 200, 230) general_button_color = (255,255,255) click_color = (255,255,0) playbndry_color = (255,255,255) grid_color = 120 S = [['.....', '.....', '..00.', '.00..', '.....'], ['.....', '..0..', '..00.', '...0.', '.....']] Z = [['.....', '.....', '.00..', '..00.', '.....'], ['.....', '..0..', '.00..', '.0...', '.....']] I = [['.....', '..0..', '..0..', '..0..', '..0..'], ['.....', '0000.', '.....', '.....', '.....']] O = [['.....', '.....', '.00..', '.00..', '.....']] J = [['.....', '.0...', '.000.', '.....', '.....'], ['.....', '..00.', '..0..', '..0..', '.....'], ['.....', '.....', '.000.', '...0.', '.....'], ['.....', '..0..', '..0..', '.00..', '.....']] L = [['.....', '...0.', '.000.', '.....', '.....'], ['.....', '..0..', '..0..', '..00.', '.....'], ['.....', '.....', '.000.', '.0...', '.....'], ['.....', '.00..', '..0..', '..0..', '.....']] T = [['.....', '..0..', '.000.', '.....', '.....'], ['.....', '..0..', '..00.', '..0..', '.....'], ['.....', '.....', '.000.', '..0..', '.....'], ['.....', '..0..', '.00..', '..0..', '.....']] shapes = [S, Z, I, O, J, L, T] shape_colors = [(0, 255, 0), (255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 255), (255, 255, 0), (255, 165, 0), (0, 0, 255), (128, 0, 128)] Dict = {'S': 0, 'Z': 1, 'I': 2, 'O': 3, 'J': 4, 'L': 5, 'T': 6} def __init__(self): self.window = pygame.display.set_mode((self.s_width, self.s_height)) pygame.display.set_caption('Tetris') self.max_score = self.get_max_score() # INITIALIZE THE GRID def create_grid(self): grid = [[(0, 0, 0) for x in range(self.col)] for y in range(self.row)] # grid represented rgb tuples # locked_positions dictionary # (x,y):(r,g,b) for y in range(self.row): for x in range(self.col): if (x, y) in self.locked_positions: color = self.locked_positions[ (x, y)] # get the value color (r,g,b) from the locked_positions dictionary using key (x,y) grid[y][x] = color # set grid position to color return grid # GET THE 0 . 2D FORMAT def convert_shape_format(self, piece): positions = [] shape_format = piece.shape[piece.rotation % len(piece.shape)] # get the desired rotated shape from piece # e.g. # ['.....', # '.....', # '..00.', # '.00..', # '.....'] for i, line in enumerate(shape_format): # i gives index; line gives string row = list(line) # makes a list of char from string for j, column in enumerate(row): # j gives index of char; column gives char if column == '0': positions.append((piece.x + j, piece.y + i)) for i, pos in enumerate(positions): positions[i] = (pos[0] - 2, pos[1] - 4) # offset according to the input given with dot and zero return positions # CHECK IF CURRENT POSITION OF GRID IS VALID def valid_space(self, piece): # makes a 2D list of all the possible (x,y) accepted_pos = [[(x, y) for x in range(self.col) if self.grid[y][x] == (0, 0, 0)] for y in range(self.row)] # removes sub lists and puts (x,y) in one list; easier to search accepted_pos = [x for item in accepted_pos for x in item] formatted_shape = self.convert_shape_format(piece) for pos in formatted_shape: if pos not in accepted_pos: if pos[1] >= 0: return False return True # CHOOSE A SHAPE RANDOMLY def get_shape(self): return Piece(int(self.col/2), 0, random.choice(self.shapes), self.shape_colors, self.shapes) # DRAW TEXT IN MIDDLE def draw_text_middle(self,text,surface, c, y): font = pygame.font.Font(self.fontpath, 50) label = font.render(text, 1, c) surface.blit(label, ((self.s_width - label.get_width())//2, y)) return (self.s_width - label.get_width())//2 # DRAW THE PLAY AREA GRID def draw_grid(self, surface): r = g = b = self.grid_color grid_color = (r, g, b) for i in range(self.row): # draw grey horizontal lines pygame.draw.line(surface, grid_color, (self.top_left_x, self.top_left_y + i * self.block_size), (self.top_left_x + self.play_width, self.top_left_y + i * self.block_size)) for j in range(self.col): # draw grey vertical lines pygame.draw.line(surface, grid_color, (self.top_left_x + j * self.block_size, self.top_left_y), (self.top_left_x + j * self.block_size, self.top_left_y + self.play_height)) # DRAW THE UPCOMING PIECE def draw_next_shape(self, piece, surface): font = pygame.font.Font(self.fontpath, 30) label = font.render(self.nextshape_text, 1, self.general_button_color) start_x = 600 start_y = 300 shape_format = piece.shape[piece.rotation % len(piece.shape)] for i, line in enumerate(shape_format): row = list(line) for j, column in enumerate(row): if column == '0': pygame.draw.rect(surface, piece.color, (start_x + j*self.block_size, start_y + i*self.block_size, self.block_size, self.block_size), 0) surface.blit(label, (start_x, start_y - 30)) # DRAW THE WINDOW CONTENT def draw_window(self, surface, grid, score=0): surface.fill((0, 0, 0)) # fill the surface with black font = pygame.font.Font(self.fontpath, 30) font2 = pygame.font.Font(self.arrow, 20) label1 = font.render("CONTROLS", 1, (255,255,255)) label3 = font.render("RIGHT LEFT ROTATE DOWN HARD DROP", 1, (255,255,255)) label2 = font2.render("e a c g ", 1, (255,255,255)) label4 = font.render("d",1,(255,255,255)) surface.blit(label1, ((self.s_width - label1.get_width())//2, 10)) surface.blit(label2, ((self.s_width - label2.get_width())//2, 90)) surface.blit(label3, ((self.s_width - label3.get_width())//2, 50)) surface.blit(label4, (580, 90)) # current score font = pygame.font.Font(self.fontpath, 30) label = font.render('SCORE ' + str(score) , 1, self.general_button_color) start_x = 600 start_y = 500 surface.blit(label, (start_x, start_y)) if self.viz_high_score: # last score label_hi = font.render('HIGHSCORE ' + str(self.max_score), 1, self.general_button_color) start_x_hi = 30 start_y_hi = 500 surface.blit(label_hi, (start_x_hi, start_y_hi)) # draw content of the grid for i in range(self.row): for j in range(self.col): # pygame.draw.rect() # draw a rectangle shape # rect(Surface, color, Rect, width=0) -> Rect pygame.draw.rect(surface, grid[i][j], (self.top_left_x + j * self.block_size, self.top_left_y + i * self.block_size, self.block_size, self.block_size), 0) # draw vertical and horizontal grid lines self.draw_grid(surface) # draw rectangular border around play area border_color = self.playbndry_color pygame.draw.rect(surface, border_color, (self.top_left_x, self.top_left_y, self.play_width, self.play_height), 4) # GET HIGH SCORE FROM FILE def get_max_score(self): with open(self.filepath, 'r') as file: lines = file.readlines() # reads all the lines and puts in a list score = int(lines[0].strip()) # remove \n return score def get_hard_position(self): while(self.valid_space(self.current_piece)): self.current_piece.y += 1 self.current_piece.y -= 1 def get_ghost_position(self): while(self.valid_space(self.ghost_piece)): self.ghost_piece.y += 1 self.ghost_piece.y -= 1 def check_lost(self): """ Check if game is lost or not based on the losing condition, default losing condition is that the piece is out of grid bounds Returns: bool : True if game is lost, False if game is not yet lost """ for pos in self.locked_positions: x, y = pos if y < 1: return True return False def update_highscore(self, new_score): """ Update high score if required Args: new_score (int): New highscore """ score = self.get_max_score() with open(self.filepath, 'w') as file: if new_score > score: file.write(str(new_score)) self.max_score = new_score else: file.write(str(score)) def clear_rows(self): """ Clear rows if required. Also update score and locked positions based on that """ # need to check if row is clear then shift every other row above down one increment = 0 for i in range(len(self.grid) - 1, -1, -1): # start checking the grid backwards grid_row = self.grid[i] # get the last row if (0, 0, 0) not in grid_row: # if there are no empty spaces (i.e. black blocks) increment += 1 # add positions to remove from locked index = i # row index will be constant for j in range(len(grid_row)): try: del self.locked_positions[(j, i)] # delete every locked element in the bottom row except ValueError: continue # shift every row one step down # delete filled bottom row # add another empty row on the top # move down one step if increment > 0: # sort the locked list according to y value in (x,y) and then reverse # reversed because otherwise the ones on the top will overwrite the lower ones for key in sorted(list(self.locked_positions), key=lambda a: a[1])[::-1]: x, y = key if y < index: # if the y value is above the removed index new_key = (x, y + increment) # shift position to down self.locked_positions[new_key] = self.locked_positions.pop(key) return increment def init_grid(self): """ Initialize the game grid """ self.locked_positions = {} self.grid = self.create_grid() def init_blocks(self): """ Initialize the current block/piece, next piece and boolean variable to bring in next piece when required """ self.current_piece = self.get_shape() self.change_piece = False self.next_piece = self.get_shape() self.ghost_piece = self.get_shape() def init_clock(self): """ Initialize the game clock """ self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.fall_time = 0 self.fall_speed = self.level_speeds[self.level] self.level_time = 0 def update_locked_grid(self): """ Update the grid based on locked positions for display """ self.grid = self.create_grid() def draw_current_grid(self): """ Draw the grid at the current moment in time """ self.piece_pos = self.convert_shape_format(self.current_piece) self.ghost_piece.x = self.current_piece.x self.ghost_piece.y = self.current_piece.y self.ghost_piece.shape = self.current_piece.shape self.ghost_piece.rotation = self.current_piece.rotation self.ghost_piece.color = (40,40,40) self.get_ghost_position() self.ghost_pos = self.convert_shape_format(self.ghost_piece) if self.show_shadow: # draw the ghost piece on the grid by giving color in the piece locations for i in range(len(self.ghost_pos)): x, y = self.ghost_pos[i] if y >= 0: self.grid[y][x] = self.ghost_piece.color # draw the piece on the grid by giving color in the piece locations for i in range(len(self.piece_pos)): x, y = self.piece_pos[i] if y >= 0: self.grid[y][x] = self.current_piece.color def update_clock(self): """ Update the game clock """ # helps run the same on every computer # add time since last tick() to fall_time self.fall_time += self.clock.get_rawtime() # returns in milliseconds self.level_time += self.clock.get_rawtime() self.clock.tick() # updates clock if self.increase_difficulty: if self.level_time/1000 > 5: # make the difficulty harder every 10 seconds self.level_time = 0 if self.fall_speed > 0.15: # until fall speed is 0.15 self.fall_speed -= 0.005 def shift_piece(self): """ Shift the piece down by gravity effect (no player input) if it has space """ if self.fall_time / 1000 > self.fall_speed: self.fall_time = 0 self.current_piece.y += 1 if not self.valid_space(self.current_piece) and self.current_piece.y > 0: self.current_piece.y -= 1 # since only checking for down - either reached bottom or hit another piece # need to lock the piece position # need to generate new piece self.change_piece = True def take_user_input(self): """ Take user inputs while game is being played. Piece movement - left, right, up(clockwise rotation), down. Escape key to pause game """ for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.display.quit() quit() elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: self.current_piece.x -= 1 # move x position left if not self.valid_space(self.current_piece): self.current_piece.x += 1 return False elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: self.current_piece.x += 1 # move x position right if not self.valid_space(self.current_piece): self.current_piece.x -= 1 return False elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: # move shape down self.current_piece.y += 1 if not self.valid_space(self.current_piece): self.current_piece.y -= 1 return False elif event.key == pygame.K_UP: # rotate shape self.current_piece.rotation = self.current_piece.rotation + 1 % len(self.current_piece.shape) if not self.valid_space(self.current_piece): self.current_piece.rotation = self.current_piece.rotation - 1 % len(self.current_piece.shape) return False elif event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: return True elif self.hard_drop and event.key == pygame.K_d: self.get_hard_position() return False def current_piece_locked(self): """ Return if it is time to change piece or not - based on if gravity effect has stopped working or not Returns: bool: True or False """ return self.change_piece def spawn(self): """ After a piece is locked, it updates the locked positions - the positions with stationery piece colors at the bottom, and it changes the piece in motion. """ for pos in self.piece_pos: p = (pos[0], pos[1]) self.locked_positions[p] = self.current_piece.color # add the key and value in the dictionary self.current_piece = self.next_piece self.next_piece = self.get_shape() self.change_piece = False def update_window(self, score): """ Update the rest of the window except playing grid - Display score and next shape. Args: score (int): Current score """ self.draw_window(self.window, self.grid, score) if self.viz_next_piece: self.draw_next_shape(self.next_piece, self.window) pygame.display.update() def paused(self): """ Pause the game play and display necessary options Returns: bool: False return corresponds to player choosing to resume game, True return corresponds to player choosing to restart game. No return occurs when player chooses to quit game """ self.window.fill((0,0,0)) self.window.blit(image, (150, 600)) xresu = self.draw_text_middle(self.resume_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 230) xres = self.draw_text_middle(self.restart_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 300) xquit = self.draw_text_middle(self.quit_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 370) pygame.display.update() run = True while run: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() #checks if a mouse is clicked mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if xresu < mouse[0] < self.s_width - xresu and 230 < mouse[1] < 280: self.draw_text_middle(self.resume_text, self.window, self.click_color, 230) pygame.display.update() return False elif xquit < mouse[0] < self.s_width - xquit and 370 < mouse[1] < 420: self.draw_text_middle(self.quit_text, self.window, self.click_color, 370) pygame.display.update() pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif xres < mouse[0] < self.s_width - xres and 300 < mouse[1] < 350: self.draw_text_middle(self.restart_text, self.window, self.click_color, 300) pygame.display.update() return True def game_over(self): """ Display the game over screen with gameover message and buttons to restart game or quit game. Returns: bool: True if player decides to restart game. Nothing if player decides to quit game """ self.window.fill((0,0,0)) self.window.blit(image, (150, 600)) font = pygame.font.Font(self.fontpath_mario, 70, bold=True) label = font.render(self.gameover_text, 1, self.gameover_color) self.window.blit(label, ((self.s_width - label.get_width())//2, 200)) xres = self.draw_text_middle(self.restart_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 300) xquit = self.draw_text_middle(self.quit_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 370) pygame.display.update() rrun = True while rrun: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if xquit < mouse[0] < self.s_width - xquit and 370 < mouse[1] < 420: self.draw_text_middle(self.quit_text, self.window, self.click_color, 370) pygame.display.update() pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif xres < mouse[0] < self.s_width - xres and 300 < mouse[1] < 350: self.draw_text_middle(self.restart_text, self.window, self.click_color, 300) pygame.display.update() return True def main_menu(self): """ The main menu screen. It displays the game heading, levels button, start button and quit button. Based on the button clicked, the game settings get updated. """,'theme.wav')) self.window.fill((0,0,0)) self.window.blit(image, (150, 600)) font = pygame.font.Font(self.fontpath_mario, 70, bold=True) label = font.render(self.game_heading, 1, self.game_heading_color) # initialise 'Tetris' text with white self.window.blit(label, ((self.s_width - label.get_width())//2, 20)) l1 = self.draw_text_middle(self.level1_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 100) l2 = self.draw_text_middle(self.level2_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 170) l3 = self.draw_text_middle(self.level3_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 240) start = self.draw_text_middle(self.start_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 310) xquit = self.draw_text_middle(self.quit_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 380) pygame.display.update() run = True level = -1 while run: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() #checks if a mouse is clicked mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if l1 < mouse[0] < self.s_width - l1 and 100 < mouse[1] < 150: self.draw_text_middle(self.level1_text, self.window, self.click_color, 100) self.draw_text_middle(self.level2_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 170) self.draw_text_middle(self.level3_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 240) pygame.display.update() level = 0 elif l2 < mouse[0] < self.s_width - l2 and 170 < mouse[1] < 220: self.draw_text_middle(self.level1_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 100) self.draw_text_middle(self.level2_text, self.window, self.click_color, 170) self.draw_text_middle(self.level3_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 240) pygame.display.update() level = 1 elif l3 < mouse[0] < self.s_width - l3 and 240 < mouse[1] < 290: self.draw_text_middle(self.level1_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 100) self.draw_text_middle(self.level2_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 170) self.draw_text_middle(self.level3_text, self.window, self.click_color, 240) pygame.display.update() level = 2 elif start < mouse[0] < self.s_width - start and 310 < mouse[1] < 360 and level != -1: self.draw_text_middle(self.start_text, self.window, self.click_color, 310) pygame.display.update() run = False return level elif xquit < mouse[0] < self.s_width - xquit and 380 < mouse[1] < 430: self.draw_text_middle(self.quit_text, self.window, self.click_color, 380) pygame.display.update() pygame.quit() sys.exit() def initialize_window(self, row, col): """ Initializes the game window. Screen width - s_width(800) and screen height - s_height(750) are fixed. Args: row (int): Number of rows in playing grid col (int): Number of columns in playing grid """ self.row = row self.col = col self.play_width = self.col * self.block_size self.play_height = self.row * self.block_size self.top_left_x = (self.s_width - self.play_width) // 2 self.top_left_y = self.s_height - self.play_height - 50 def create_block(self, temp_block): """ Creates a custom block(tetriminoe) for the programmer. Args: temp_block (List): List of length 3 - Rotation configurations, color of block, identifier string temp_block[0] (List): The different 2D rotation configurations of the block as string lists temp_block[0][i] (List): List containing strings of fixed length that give the ith 2D orientation of block temp_block[1] (List): R G B values of block denoting its color temp_block[2] (string): Identifier string of the block """ self.shapes.append(temp_block[0]) self.Dict[temp_block[2]] = len(self.shape_colors) self.shape_colors.append(tuple(temp_block[1])) def show_next_piece(self, val): """ Enable or disable showing next block to player Args: val (bool): True or False """ self.viz_next_piece = val def show_highscore(self, val): """ Enable or disable showing next highscore to player Args: val (bool): True or False """ self.viz_high_score = val def increase_fall_speed(self, val): """ Enable or disable increasing fall speed as game progresses or in other words increasing difficulty as game progresses Args: val (bool): True or False """ self.increase_difficulty = val def set_window_caption(self, val): """ Set the game caption shown in the game window Args: val (string): Game window caption """ pygame.display.set_caption(val) def set_level(self, val): """ Set the game level - from 3 difficulty levels Args: val (int): Difficulty level 1 or 2 or 3 """ self.level = val def set_level_fallspeed(self, speed_list): """ Set the fall speeds for the 3 difficulty levels Args: speed_list (list): speed of difficulty level 1,2 and 3 """ self.level_speeds = speed_list def enable_shadow(self, val): """ Enable ghost mode i.e. expected locked position of current piece is displayed Args: val (int): Bool value True or False """ self.show_shadow = val def enable_hard_drop(self, val): """ Enable hard drop i.e. on pressing the 'd' key, the block falls down Args: val (int): Bool value True or False """ self.hard_drop= val def design_button_text(self, game_heading, quit_text, resume_text, restart_text, gameover_text, level1_text, level2_text, level3_text, start_text): """ Customize the text displayed over buttons or over gameover and game heading text Args: game_heading (string): Game heading text quit_text (string): Quit button text resume_text (string): Resume button text restart_text (string): Restart button text gameover_text (string): Gameover message text level1_text (string): Level 1 button text level2_text (string): Level 2 button text level3_text (string): Level 3 button text start_text (string): Start button text """ self.game_heading = game_heading self.quit_text = quit_text self.resume_text = resume_text self.restart_text = restart_text self.gameover_text = gameover_text self.level1_text = level1_text self.level2_text = level2_text self.level3_text = level3_text self.start_text = start_text def design_button_color(self, game_heading_color, gameover_color, general_button_color, click_color): """ Customize the text color over buttons, button clicks, gameover text and game heading text Args: game_heading_color (tuple): R G B values denoting game heading color gameover_color (tuple): R G B values denoting gameover message color general_button_color (tuple): R G B values denoting button color prior to click click_color (tuple): R G B values denoting button color post clicking """ self.game_heading_color = game_heading_color self.gameover_color = gameover_color self.general_button_color = general_button_color self.click_color = click_color def design_play(self, playbndry_color, grid_color): """ Customize the play boundary color and play grid color Args: playbndry_color (tuple): R G B values denoting play boundary color grid_color (tuple): R G B values denoting play grid color """ self.playbndry_color = playbndry_color self.grid_color = grid_color def design_block_color(self, block, color): """ Alter the color for the given block. Args: block (string): String identifier of block color (tuple): R G B values of block denoting its color """ self.shape_colors[self.Dict[block]] = color
def check_lost(self)
Check if game is lost or not based on the losing condition, default losing condition is that the piece is out of grid bounds
- True if game is lost, False if game is not yet lost
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def check_lost(self): """ Check if game is lost or not based on the losing condition, default losing condition is that the piece is out of grid bounds Returns: bool : True if game is lost, False if game is not yet lost """ for pos in self.locked_positions: x, y = pos if y < 1: return True return False
def clear_rows(self)
Clear rows if required. Also update score and locked positions based on that
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def clear_rows(self): """ Clear rows if required. Also update score and locked positions based on that """ # need to check if row is clear then shift every other row above down one increment = 0 for i in range(len(self.grid) - 1, -1, -1): # start checking the grid backwards grid_row = self.grid[i] # get the last row if (0, 0, 0) not in grid_row: # if there are no empty spaces (i.e. black blocks) increment += 1 # add positions to remove from locked index = i # row index will be constant for j in range(len(grid_row)): try: del self.locked_positions[(j, i)] # delete every locked element in the bottom row except ValueError: continue # shift every row one step down # delete filled bottom row # add another empty row on the top # move down one step if increment > 0: # sort the locked list according to y value in (x,y) and then reverse # reversed because otherwise the ones on the top will overwrite the lower ones for key in sorted(list(self.locked_positions), key=lambda a: a[1])[::-1]: x, y = key if y < index: # if the y value is above the removed index new_key = (x, y + increment) # shift position to down self.locked_positions[new_key] = self.locked_positions.pop(key) return increment
def create_block(self, temp_block)
Creates a custom block(tetriminoe) for the programmer.
- List of length 3 - Rotation configurations, color of block, identifier string
temp_block[0] (List): The different 2D rotation configurations of the block as string lists temp_block[0][i] (List): List containing strings of fixed length that give the ith 2D orientation of block temp_block[1] (List): R G B values of block denoting its color temp_block[2] (string): Identifier string of the block
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def create_block(self, temp_block): """ Creates a custom block(tetriminoe) for the programmer. Args: temp_block (List): List of length 3 - Rotation configurations, color of block, identifier string temp_block[0] (List): The different 2D rotation configurations of the block as string lists temp_block[0][i] (List): List containing strings of fixed length that give the ith 2D orientation of block temp_block[1] (List): R G B values of block denoting its color temp_block[2] (string): Identifier string of the block """ self.shapes.append(temp_block[0]) self.Dict[temp_block[2]] = len(self.shape_colors) self.shape_colors.append(tuple(temp_block[1]))
def current_piece_locked(self)
Return if it is time to change piece or not - based on if gravity effect has stopped working or not
- True or False
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def current_piece_locked(self): """ Return if it is time to change piece or not - based on if gravity effect has stopped working or not Returns: bool: True or False """ return self.change_piece
def design_block_color(self, block, color)
Alter the color for the given block.
- String identifier of block
- R G B values of block denoting its color
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def design_block_color(self, block, color): """ Alter the color for the given block. Args: block (string): String identifier of block color (tuple): R G B values of block denoting its color """ self.shape_colors[self.Dict[block]] = color
Customize the text color over buttons, button clicks, gameover text and game heading text
- R G B values denoting game heading color
- R G B values denoting gameover message color
- R G B values denoting button color prior to click
- R G B values denoting button color post clicking
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def design_button_color(self, game_heading_color, gameover_color, general_button_color, click_color): """ Customize the text color over buttons, button clicks, gameover text and game heading text Args: game_heading_color (tuple): R G B values denoting game heading color gameover_color (tuple): R G B values denoting gameover message color general_button_color (tuple): R G B values denoting button color prior to click click_color (tuple): R G B values denoting button color post clicking """ self.game_heading_color = game_heading_color self.gameover_color = gameover_color self.general_button_color = general_button_color self.click_color = click_color
Customize the text displayed over buttons or over gameover and game heading text
- Game heading text
- Quit button text
- Resume button text
- Restart button text
- Gameover message text
- Level 1 button text
- Level 2 button text
- Level 3 button text
- Start button text
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def design_button_text(self, game_heading, quit_text, resume_text, restart_text, gameover_text, level1_text, level2_text, level3_text, start_text): """ Customize the text displayed over buttons or over gameover and game heading text Args: game_heading (string): Game heading text quit_text (string): Quit button text resume_text (string): Resume button text restart_text (string): Restart button text gameover_text (string): Gameover message text level1_text (string): Level 1 button text level2_text (string): Level 2 button text level3_text (string): Level 3 button text start_text (string): Start button text """ self.game_heading = game_heading self.quit_text = quit_text self.resume_text = resume_text self.restart_text = restart_text self.gameover_text = gameover_text self.level1_text = level1_text self.level2_text = level2_text self.level3_text = level3_text self.start_text = start_text
def design_play(self, playbndry_color, grid_color)
Customize the play boundary color and play grid color
- R G B values denoting play boundary color
- R G B values denoting play grid color
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def design_play(self, playbndry_color, grid_color): """ Customize the play boundary color and play grid color Args: playbndry_color (tuple): R G B values denoting play boundary color grid_color (tuple): R G B values denoting play grid color """ self.playbndry_color = playbndry_color self.grid_color = grid_color
def draw_current_grid(self)
Draw the grid at the current moment in time
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def draw_current_grid(self): """ Draw the grid at the current moment in time """ self.piece_pos = self.convert_shape_format(self.current_piece) self.ghost_piece.x = self.current_piece.x self.ghost_piece.y = self.current_piece.y self.ghost_piece.shape = self.current_piece.shape self.ghost_piece.rotation = self.current_piece.rotation self.ghost_piece.color = (40,40,40) self.get_ghost_position() self.ghost_pos = self.convert_shape_format(self.ghost_piece) if self.show_shadow: # draw the ghost piece on the grid by giving color in the piece locations for i in range(len(self.ghost_pos)): x, y = self.ghost_pos[i] if y >= 0: self.grid[y][x] = self.ghost_piece.color # draw the piece on the grid by giving color in the piece locations for i in range(len(self.piece_pos)): x, y = self.piece_pos[i] if y >= 0: self.grid[y][x] = self.current_piece.color
def enable_hard_drop(self, val)
Enable hard drop i.e. on pressing the 'd' key, the block falls down
- Bool value True or False
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def enable_hard_drop(self, val): """ Enable hard drop i.e. on pressing the 'd' key, the block falls down Args: val (int): Bool value True or False """ self.hard_drop= val
def enable_shadow(self, val)
Enable ghost mode i.e. expected locked position of current piece is displayed
- Bool value True or False
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def enable_shadow(self, val): """ Enable ghost mode i.e. expected locked position of current piece is displayed Args: val (int): Bool value True or False """ self.show_shadow = val
def game_over(self)
Display the game over screen with gameover message and buttons to restart game or quit game.
- True if player decides to restart game. Nothing if player decides to quit game
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def game_over(self): """ Display the game over screen with gameover message and buttons to restart game or quit game. Returns: bool: True if player decides to restart game. Nothing if player decides to quit game """ self.window.fill((0,0,0)) self.window.blit(image, (150, 600)) font = pygame.font.Font(self.fontpath_mario, 70, bold=True) label = font.render(self.gameover_text, 1, self.gameover_color) self.window.blit(label, ((self.s_width - label.get_width())//2, 200)) xres = self.draw_text_middle(self.restart_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 300) xquit = self.draw_text_middle(self.quit_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 370) pygame.display.update() rrun = True while rrun: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if xquit < mouse[0] < self.s_width - xquit and 370 < mouse[1] < 420: self.draw_text_middle(self.quit_text, self.window, self.click_color, 370) pygame.display.update() pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif xres < mouse[0] < self.s_width - xres and 300 < mouse[1] < 350: self.draw_text_middle(self.restart_text, self.window, self.click_color, 300) pygame.display.update() return True
def increase_fall_speed(self, val)
Enable or disable increasing fall speed as game progresses or in other words increasing difficulty as game progresses
- True or False
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def increase_fall_speed(self, val): """ Enable or disable increasing fall speed as game progresses or in other words increasing difficulty as game progresses Args: val (bool): True or False """ self.increase_difficulty = val
def init_blocks(self)
Initialize the current block/piece, next piece and boolean variable to bring in next piece when required
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def init_blocks(self): """ Initialize the current block/piece, next piece and boolean variable to bring in next piece when required """ self.current_piece = self.get_shape() self.change_piece = False self.next_piece = self.get_shape() self.ghost_piece = self.get_shape()
def init_clock(self)
Initialize the game clock
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def init_clock(self): """ Initialize the game clock """ self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.fall_time = 0 self.fall_speed = self.level_speeds[self.level] self.level_time = 0
def init_grid(self)
Initialize the game grid
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def init_grid(self): """ Initialize the game grid """ self.locked_positions = {} self.grid = self.create_grid()
def initialize_window(self, row, col)
Initializes the game window. Screen width - s_width(800) and screen height - s_height(750) are fixed.
- Number of rows in playing grid
- Number of columns in playing grid
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def initialize_window(self, row, col): """ Initializes the game window. Screen width - s_width(800) and screen height - s_height(750) are fixed. Args: row (int): Number of rows in playing grid col (int): Number of columns in playing grid """ self.row = row self.col = col self.play_width = self.col * self.block_size self.play_height = self.row * self.block_size self.top_left_x = (self.s_width - self.play_width) // 2 self.top_left_y = self.s_height - self.play_height - 50
The main menu screen. It displays the game heading, levels button, start button and quit button. Based on the button clicked, the game settings get updated.
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def main_menu(self): """ The main menu screen. It displays the game heading, levels button, start button and quit button. Based on the button clicked, the game settings get updated. """,'theme.wav')) self.window.fill((0,0,0)) self.window.blit(image, (150, 600)) font = pygame.font.Font(self.fontpath_mario, 70, bold=True) label = font.render(self.game_heading, 1, self.game_heading_color) # initialise 'Tetris' text with white self.window.blit(label, ((self.s_width - label.get_width())//2, 20)) l1 = self.draw_text_middle(self.level1_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 100) l2 = self.draw_text_middle(self.level2_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 170) l3 = self.draw_text_middle(self.level3_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 240) start = self.draw_text_middle(self.start_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 310) xquit = self.draw_text_middle(self.quit_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 380) pygame.display.update() run = True level = -1 while run: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() #checks if a mouse is clicked mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if l1 < mouse[0] < self.s_width - l1 and 100 < mouse[1] < 150: self.draw_text_middle(self.level1_text, self.window, self.click_color, 100) self.draw_text_middle(self.level2_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 170) self.draw_text_middle(self.level3_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 240) pygame.display.update() level = 0 elif l2 < mouse[0] < self.s_width - l2 and 170 < mouse[1] < 220: self.draw_text_middle(self.level1_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 100) self.draw_text_middle(self.level2_text, self.window, self.click_color, 170) self.draw_text_middle(self.level3_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 240) pygame.display.update() level = 1 elif l3 < mouse[0] < self.s_width - l3 and 240 < mouse[1] < 290: self.draw_text_middle(self.level1_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 100) self.draw_text_middle(self.level2_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 170) self.draw_text_middle(self.level3_text, self.window, self.click_color, 240) pygame.display.update() level = 2 elif start < mouse[0] < self.s_width - start and 310 < mouse[1] < 360 and level != -1: self.draw_text_middle(self.start_text, self.window, self.click_color, 310) pygame.display.update() run = False return level elif xquit < mouse[0] < self.s_width - xquit and 380 < mouse[1] < 430: self.draw_text_middle(self.quit_text, self.window, self.click_color, 380) pygame.display.update() pygame.quit() sys.exit()
def paused(self)
Pause the game play and display necessary options
- False return corresponds to player choosing to resume game, True return corresponds to player choosing to restart game. No return occurs when player chooses to quit game
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def paused(self): """ Pause the game play and display necessary options Returns: bool: False return corresponds to player choosing to resume game, True return corresponds to player choosing to restart game. No return occurs when player chooses to quit game """ self.window.fill((0,0,0)) self.window.blit(image, (150, 600)) xresu = self.draw_text_middle(self.resume_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 230) xres = self.draw_text_middle(self.restart_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 300) xquit = self.draw_text_middle(self.quit_text, self.window, self.general_button_color, 370) pygame.display.update() run = True while run: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() #checks if a mouse is clicked mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if xresu < mouse[0] < self.s_width - xresu and 230 < mouse[1] < 280: self.draw_text_middle(self.resume_text, self.window, self.click_color, 230) pygame.display.update() return False elif xquit < mouse[0] < self.s_width - xquit and 370 < mouse[1] < 420: self.draw_text_middle(self.quit_text, self.window, self.click_color, 370) pygame.display.update() pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif xres < mouse[0] < self.s_width - xres and 300 < mouse[1] < 350: self.draw_text_middle(self.restart_text, self.window, self.click_color, 300) pygame.display.update() return True
def set_level(self, val)
Set the game level - from 3 difficulty levels
- Difficulty level 1 or 2 or 3
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def set_level(self, val): """ Set the game level - from 3 difficulty levels Args: val (int): Difficulty level 1 or 2 or 3 """ self.level = val
def set_level_fallspeed(self, speed_list)
Set the fall speeds for the 3 difficulty levels
- speed of difficulty level 1,2 and 3
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def set_level_fallspeed(self, speed_list): """ Set the fall speeds for the 3 difficulty levels Args: speed_list (list): speed of difficulty level 1,2 and 3 """ self.level_speeds = speed_list
def set_window_caption(self, val)
Set the game caption shown in the game window
- Game window caption
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def set_window_caption(self, val): """ Set the game caption shown in the game window Args: val (string): Game window caption """ pygame.display.set_caption(val)
def shift_piece(self)
Shift the piece down by gravity effect (no player input) if it has space
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def shift_piece(self): """ Shift the piece down by gravity effect (no player input) if it has space """ if self.fall_time / 1000 > self.fall_speed: self.fall_time = 0 self.current_piece.y += 1 if not self.valid_space(self.current_piece) and self.current_piece.y > 0: self.current_piece.y -= 1 # since only checking for down - either reached bottom or hit another piece # need to lock the piece position # need to generate new piece self.change_piece = True
def show_highscore(self, val)
Enable or disable showing next highscore to player
- True or False
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def show_highscore(self, val): """ Enable or disable showing next highscore to player Args: val (bool): True or False """ self.viz_high_score = val
def show_next_piece(self, val)
Enable or disable showing next block to player
- True or False
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def show_next_piece(self, val): """ Enable or disable showing next block to player Args: val (bool): True or False """ self.viz_next_piece = val
def spawn(self)
After a piece is locked, it updates the locked positions - the positions with stationery piece colors at the bottom, and it changes the piece in motion.
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def spawn(self): """ After a piece is locked, it updates the locked positions - the positions with stationery piece colors at the bottom, and it changes the piece in motion. """ for pos in self.piece_pos: p = (pos[0], pos[1]) self.locked_positions[p] = self.current_piece.color # add the key and value in the dictionary self.current_piece = self.next_piece self.next_piece = self.get_shape() self.change_piece = False
def take_user_input(self)
Take user inputs while game is being played. Piece movement - left, right, up(clockwise rotation), down. Escape key to pause game
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def take_user_input(self): """ Take user inputs while game is being played. Piece movement - left, right, up(clockwise rotation), down. Escape key to pause game """ for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.display.quit() quit() elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: self.current_piece.x -= 1 # move x position left if not self.valid_space(self.current_piece): self.current_piece.x += 1 return False elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: self.current_piece.x += 1 # move x position right if not self.valid_space(self.current_piece): self.current_piece.x -= 1 return False elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: # move shape down self.current_piece.y += 1 if not self.valid_space(self.current_piece): self.current_piece.y -= 1 return False elif event.key == pygame.K_UP: # rotate shape self.current_piece.rotation = self.current_piece.rotation + 1 % len(self.current_piece.shape) if not self.valid_space(self.current_piece): self.current_piece.rotation = self.current_piece.rotation - 1 % len(self.current_piece.shape) return False elif event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: return True elif self.hard_drop and event.key == pygame.K_d: self.get_hard_position() return False
def update_clock(self)
Update the game clock
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def update_clock(self): """ Update the game clock """ # helps run the same on every computer # add time since last tick() to fall_time self.fall_time += self.clock.get_rawtime() # returns in milliseconds self.level_time += self.clock.get_rawtime() self.clock.tick() # updates clock if self.increase_difficulty: if self.level_time/1000 > 5: # make the difficulty harder every 10 seconds self.level_time = 0 if self.fall_speed > 0.15: # until fall speed is 0.15 self.fall_speed -= 0.005
def update_highscore(self, new_score)
Update high score if required
- New highscore
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def update_highscore(self, new_score): """ Update high score if required Args: new_score (int): New highscore """ score = self.get_max_score() with open(self.filepath, 'w') as file: if new_score > score: file.write(str(new_score)) self.max_score = new_score else: file.write(str(score))
def update_locked_grid(self)
Update the grid based on locked positions for display
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def update_locked_grid(self): """ Update the grid based on locked positions for display """ self.grid = self.create_grid()
def update_window(self, score)
Update the rest of the window except playing grid - Display score and next shape.
- Current score
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def update_window(self, score): """ Update the rest of the window except playing grid - Display score and next shape. Args: score (int): Current score """ self.draw_window(self.window, self.grid, score) if self.viz_next_piece: self.draw_next_shape(self.next_piece, self.window) pygame.display.update()